Rabu, 07 Januari 2015

Eky’s Future
Hello everyone...
I have a lot of dreams. I want to be teacher, singer (but impossible, because i have a bad voice), engineer and other interesting dreams. I have so many future plans :
  1. After i’m graduating from Muhammadiyah University in Sidoarjo, i will continue my study in the university that has four season of the year. Amin..
  2. I will get a good job that i’m happy to do it, and of course get a much wage. Amin..
  3. I'm going to cost a school of my brother and my sister. Amin..
  4. I'm going to buy a house that can live with my family. Amin.. 
  5. I'm going to travel in Japan with my family and my friends. We’ll meet other people and known their culture. Amin.. 
  6. I'm going to married with a good man and have a cute children. Amin..    
There’re my future plans and i hope will be comes true. What your future plans, guys ??

Things You’ve Done and Things You Haven’t Done
Hello everyone...
Things you’ve done? Actually i don’t know what things i’ve done. Maybe:
  1.  Do something completely crazy and out of character. My daily lives can get repetitive and boring. So, do something crazy and out of character for a change. After all, we only have one life, so why live it one way? 
  2.  I have a job. Even though his salary is not much, but I can feel the difficult to find  money
           Things you haven’t done? So many things that I haven’t done:
  1. I haven’t done to be a good daughter for my parents and to be a good sister for my sister and my brother.
  2. Travel all around the world. Traveling is the best activity that i want, because i want to meet other people and know their culture.
  3. Learn a new language. Learning a new language is not easy, because one day i want to speak English fluent.
  4. Fall asleep on grassy plants. Because it help me to relax and rest my mind, body and soul. And also there’re no snakes or wild animals in there.
  5. Ride a roller coaster. Some people say life is like a roller coaster, it’s ups and downs. And ride a roller coaster can be very funy and exhilarate. 

    Happy reading friends..


The Videos
I watched first video that told about Gil Zamora, he was FBI Trained Forensic Artist at Police Force of San Jose on 1995 until 2011. In foreign room, he drew some woman. There was Melinda, Florence, Olivia, Shelly and Kela. He wanted to describe her or him personality without saw them and just looked her table. So she or he told about her or himself, than Gil Zamora listened and drew. 
He wanted to some woman told with other woman and describe her or him personality. Finally Gil Zamora showed the picture that describe by themself and describe by other was different. The picture described by other look happy and friendly, but the picture described by themself look sad and close minded. So we must thanks to our natural beauty that we have and don’t be busy with ourself that we haven’t.
On the second video called “ Tom Hanks is Forest Gum “ told about the boy had phisycal defect. One day, he met her friend in the large garden. But some boys threw him the stone and his girl friend ordered to run away while some boys followed him by bike. So he ran hardly until his things on his legs was broke. But he still ran more quickly than before, although some boys didn’t follow him. Finally he can run and walk without the tools which help him.

Rabu, 03 Desember 2014

Disgusting Memories

When i was child, maybe every children tried to bike a bycycle. It was memories that can’t forget by every children, especially for me.

It started when my grandfather helped me to bike a bycycle. It was difficult to balanced the bycycle, although the bycycle was smaller than me. I think i can do that, but when i was child i think why i can’t.

I tried to bike a bycycle everyday because i hoped to bike it anywhere that i want to go. Finally, i can bike it everytime and everyday to around my area. Although i fallen to gutter and i felt disgusted with my body after that.

Happy reading friends.. 

Selasa, 11 November 2014

Jayawijaya Mountains

Hasil gambar untuk jayawijaya mountainsThe Jayawijaya mountains are centre part in New Guinea, Indonesia. It is the only mountain in Indonesia which in the peak there is snow. Because in Indonesia has two season, summer and rainy right.
The Jayawijaya mountains are one of seven highest mountains peaks of 4800 meters in Indonesia. Beside knows as Puncak Jaya, the highest mountain peak is also known as Carstensz Peak. 
The name was taken from January Carstensz, Netherlands who first saw the snowy peaks in the  tropic area. 
So if you wants to travel in Jayawijaya mountains, you must save your money starts right now. Because the location is far and the price is so high.

Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

 This Is My Mom
      Ni'matul Fariya is the name of my mom. She is tall, slim, middle-aged and attractive. She is fourty four years old. She's still beautiful for fourty four years old and she's like young. Because if i and my mom go to shopping, the servent of the store say that i and my mom are sister. 
     OH MY GOD.. In my heart i say " Can you cut this incident god? ".
     OK. She has shoulder-length, straight and black hair. And than, she has pointed nose, thick eyebrow, thick lips, large eyes and dark eyes. 
     She is funny, confident and modest. When you see her eyes, you can know that my mom is strong woman. And my mom is talkative when i don't do homework.

Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2014

 This Is My Home
My home is not large but not small too. There are extremely spacious, four bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom, a kitchen, a dining room, a pray area, and a watching area.
When the door of my bedroom is open, i can see a living room and a watching area. In the living room there are three chairs and a table.
One step from watching area take you down into dining room. The dining room area is open-plan with the kitchen. One step from dining room take you up into bathroom and pray area.
My house is super special for me, because there are place of my childhood.
My dream is to make my house get second floors. A comfortable balcony where I can see a beautiful scenery.